Návštěva paní ministryně Kateřiny Valachové

V rámci oslav 160. výročí založení naší školy navštívila Sjezd absolventů paní ministryně školství Mgr. Kateřina Valachová Ph.D , která společně s hejtmanem LK Martinem Půtou pokřtili novu publikaci o škole.


160th Anniversary of Our School

It has been 160 years since The Secondary Glass Art School in Kamenický Šenov was established in 1856. To mark this significant event a three-day celebration was held at the school. The festivities prepared by the current teachers and students were largely attended by former students as well as by the minister of education, the regional council representative, by many widely recognized artists and the public. A new catalogue featuring the achievements of the school was published.