Historical Lighting Assemblies Renovation Training.

On February 16, Mr. MgA. Ladislav Prucha and Tomás Sieber, representatives of the new study branch „Renovation of Lighting Assemblies“ at the SUPSS Kamenicky Senov participated in the thematical day „Historical Lighting Assemblies“ in Roztoky u Prahy. The event was organized by Rudolfinea Praha. The first lecture lectured by Mrs. PhDr. Jitka Lnenickova was oriented onto the lightening history and development of various types of lighting assemblies until now. The lecturer enforced the importance of a perfect recognition of the history of the lighting source of the lighting assembly renewed in order to avoid possible damages due to an incorrect ranking of the lighting assembly during its renovation. The lecture was well-researched and interesting.

The other lecture was given by Mr. Robert Ritschel, a restorer and licensee „Art Handicraft Master“ by MK CR, in field of the art chaser, a professional with already fifty years long experience in the lighting assemblies renovation. In full details he described various technological processes of careful renovation of surface coatings and all of them demonstrated on a historical lighting assembly lent by the local museum for this reason. And it was just that lecture which brought about a very interesting exchange of views relating the lighting assemblies renovation procedures, in particular on the part of representatives of our school. Thanks to his answers and exploitation of the theme the lecturer significantly contributed to knowledge of our teachers who have been introducing the subject of lighting assemblies renovation in our school. Mr. Robert Ritschel has also promised his professional help in developing the new study specialization in our school. The school is actually implementing a pilot sample renovation of two historical lighting assemblies, one of which has been lent for this reason by the National Monument Institution Prague.


Restauration of the Dutch chandelier in our school
Restauration of the Dutch chandelier in our school
Restauration of the Dutch chandelier in our school
Restauration of the Dutch chandelier in our school
Restauration of the Dutch chandelier in our school
Roztoky meeting
Roztoky meeting
Roztoky meeting