SUPŠS Headmaster František Janák´s Professional Visit of China

In later October 2010 František Janák, headmaster of the school visited a prestigeous school Tsinghua Universite in Beijing. František Janák was invited by the Tsinghua University to present several lectures about the Glass School Kamenický Šenov, about Czech glass art, about the glass technology as well as about his own work. František Janák also taught Chinese students to make moulds for glass melting and corrected their works. A group of students of the school spent their study stay in 2009 in Kamenický Šenov and one of these students, Mrs. Zhu Li Yue, spent another three months at our school even in spring 2010. The Tsinghua University belongs, together with the Beijing University, to the largiest and most important ones in China. The glass department is headed by Professor Wang, an outstanding Chinese glass artist and pedagogue, the author of an extensive book on the world glass art.
In China, the glass designing passes a great development as well as the whole country does. During the last three years, the number of Chinese glass teaching universities has grown from 3 to 13! These schools invite lecturers from all over the world, thus it has been a great honour for our school, however without the university status, to be accepted by this outstanding university as suitable for collaboration. Students of this school are very interested in study stays at our school, which should have been organized regularly since the next year. The stays of foreign students at our school bring, besides social and educational benefits, also positive results in getting sources for financing our school.
In the framework of his professional visit, the headmaster of the school František Janák agreed an itinerant exhibition of works by both students and teachers of the school Kamenický Šenov in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong in co-operation with the company Blue Heaven Crystal Lighting from Shanghai. The exhibition will be kept in the beginning of 2011. František Janák visited also several important monuments of the Chinese history, as the Forbidden City and the Sommer Palace in Beijing, Great Chinese Wall and the terracota army in Xi An.


Frantisek Janak and  Zhu Li Yue at Forbiden City
Frantisek Janak on Great Wall.
Mold making
With a student