Study Stay of Our Partner School Rheinbach students at the SUPŠS in 2010.
From February 15 to March 7, 2010 a group of students from our partner school Berufskoleg Rheinbach stayed in Kamenický Šenov. Headed by Czech teachers, the German students created drawn studies and clay models and learned making of moulds for melted glass sculptures. They were also trained in filling the moulds with glass. After their display, our friends would take the glass sculptures to Rheinbach. The German students tried on also glass plate printing. During their stay, the students were visited by Mr. Helfried Glössner, a friend and supporter of both the partner schools, who participated together with the students in the traditional fiest in Kravaře, where they were transported to by cars of teachers and members of the Association of the Friends of Rheinbach. Also traditionally, the German students took part in a bowling tournament, organized for them by the above Association.
The students visited during their stay the Preciosa Lustry company, the AJETO company and the glass museums. They participated also in a school trip to Prague, to see and exhibition of Swedish glass. On weekends, they made several trips in the Kamenický Šenov environs.
The exchange stay of German students was held within the Leonardo program, in the framework of which our students visited Rheinbach for the fifth time in autumn 2009. These student exchanges have been a great occasion both for students and teachers of both the schools to meet each other and to get new skills and experience.