SUPŠS Exhibition in Weisswasser, Germany, Oct. 4 - Nov. 22, 2009

 The Glass Museum, the Municipality Kamenický Šenov administrative apparatus, the Secondary Glass School of Applied Arts Kamenický Šenov and the municipality and museum in Weisswasser, Germany prepared an exhibition "Glaskunstfachschule Kamenický Šenov", opened on Friday, Oct. 4, 2009 in the Glass Museum in Weisswasser.

The exhibition was officially opened with greetings by mayors of both the towns - Hartwig Rauh from Weisswasser and Mgr. Ota Raiter from Kamenický Šenov, by the SUPŠS K. Šenov headmaster acad. painter František Janák, Horst May from the Glass Museum Association Weisswasser and with the opening speech by the Glass Museum Kamenický Šenov Mrs. Helena Braunová. This exhibition has followed the project of reciprocal exhibitions with specialized seminars "Glass Bridges", implemented 5 years ago in co-operation of both the glass towns and museums.

The newly opened exhibition presents the world oldest glass school founded 1856 in Kamenický Šenov with a selection of students´ works produced within its existence. Among others it includes also works from the period after 1945, when the German pedagogues, who relocated in Rheinbach near Bonn, had been replaced by a new generation of young Czech artists. The pieces exhibited document both the period of their origin with the typical style of their design and the high art and craft standards of their manufacture. The oldest exhibited piece is a water vessel with an Indian pattern, signed and dated 1888. Examples of contemporary works are mainly final ones from recent years, some of them even internationally awarded. The major part of the totally almost one hundred exhibits comes from the glass school collection, the minor one from the depository of the glass museum Kamenický Šenov.

The exhibition in the Glass Museum Weisswasser will be opened by Sunday, Nov. 22, 2009.