Short Term Stay of Chinese students from a Beijing university at our school.
On Monday, January 25. 2009 a group of Chinese students from the Tsinghua University, Beijing, Faculty of Art and Design, arrived to our school for a two weeks stay. During the first week at our school, the Chinese students learned models and moulds manufacture for mould melted glass. They were learning also charging of the proper quantity of glass into moulds and calculating the annealing curve. In the other week, the students from Beijing trained glass cutting and applied themselves to processing and finishing of their own sculptures, they manufactured in the first week. Besides the working stay at our school, the Chinese students dedicated their time to visiting of glass museums in Kamenický Šenov and Nový Bor. They also visited Prague. The Chinese students held a lecture of their university and Chinese culture for pupils and teachers of our school.
The interest of foreign students in study stays at our school is permanently growing. It is an honour for our school to be sought-after also by students of important universities. Beside the students from Beijing, a group of students from a Texas university will come in March.