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Educational journey to Italy.

From May 7 - 13, 2008 students and teachers of our school took part in a trip to Italy organized as a part of education of the History of Art Culture. In the journey also students and teachers from the glass school Nový Bor participated. We visited Tuscana, Umbria and Latio, three regions famous for their monuments from the Etruscan time up to Renaissance. We could see the Etruscan tombs and museums in Tarquinia, Cerveteri, Veio, Orvieto and in other less visited localities as e.g. a little town Sovana. Also Florence and Siena as well as their famous monuments from Gothic and Renaissance were visited. Besides visiting the monuments students became warm in hot spas in Saturnia and the more hardy ones took a sea bath near Tarquinia. The journey absolutely realized its target. Students and teachers got an excellent chance to learn the rich Etruscan culture and heritage and brush up their knowledge of Gothic and Renaissance Italy.