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4th International Symposium of Engraved Glass Kamenický Šenov 2005

The International Symposia of Engraved Glass at Kamenický Šenov have been organized by the Kamenický Šenov Town, the Glass Museum, the Secondary School of Glas and by the Glass Studio Peter Rath since 1996.

The targets of the Symposia:

- creative meetings and co-operation of artists, handworkers, historians, theoreticians and other experts.

- to evoke new impulses in the engraved glass branche and to discuss possibilities of their realization.

- to increase interest in the technique of glass decoration by engraving, especially with the students of glass schools.

- to constitute new contacts, recruit experts and institutions both from the Czech Republic and abroad for co-operation.

- to organize professional seminars.

- to publish publications of each Symposium.

- to advertise the glass industry in the region.

The fourth Symposium was held from Sept. 5 to 11, 2005 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the SPUŠS Kamenický Šenov foundation.